How to create xml representation of resources(testsuite,testcase) in RQM?
If any body can provide the sample xml representation of resources(i.e testcases,testsuite) ,while creating them(testcases,testsuite or any resources) by making POST call in RQM.
I am getting 200 status code. but the resources are not getting created in Quality management.
Links are not much use, i already searched and implemented but not much use.
I need xml format and corresponding uri for created resources.
Thanks & Regards,
Accepted answer
Your best bet is to perform a GET (using the REST API) on an existing artifact (TestCase, TestSuite..etc) in your QM project area to analyze the XML
You can use this as a basis of your PUT to create a new artifcat
Here is an example of a GET for the Test Case
GET https://<HOST>:<PORT</qm/service/<ProjectArea>/testcase/<Test Case ID>
Be sure to include the Header/Value
Accept application/xml
This will return the XML for the Test Case that you can use as a guide to create a new Test Case artifact
HI Ara Masrof,
Thanks for you suggesgtion. Now i able to create RQM artifacts.
Now i am trying to update testcase link in testsuite.How can i link new testcases to already existing testsuite?I tried with PUT to update testsuite with new testcase link but it is not working. I also want to know will Defects can be created using REST API(either RQM or CCM).
Thanks ,