RPE Datasource
I would like to ask if it is possible to set a string as a datasource?
I have a Doors module where the Object Text attribute value is an xml structure.
I tried to do this but unfortunately it's not working:
I added a new Data Source Schema with this options:
Predefines: DOORS
Schema: my schema file location
Name: DOORSTest
Then i added a new Data Source Configuration:
Target data source: DOORSTest
Inherited data configuration: DOORS
URI: From the Data Expression tab I've selected the attribute which contains the xml.
When I try to export I have this error message:
CRRPE3123E Error during Rational DOORS DXL execution:
Critical error: failed to execute DOORS DXL. The selected module cannot be accessed or RPE and DOORS are not set up correctly.
If DOORS is running in batch mode the DOORS DXL security settings might prevent DXL execution for your user account.
Error details:
Cannot open module: Here is the content of the attribute (xml)
I've tried to change the Schema Type to Generic XML but I got the same error.
At least it is possible what I want?
Thank you.
One answer
You can rather have the string or text in a XML file and use the XML file as a data source. One usecase is to generate document from multiple DOORS modules - the solution is to have the list of modules in a XML file and configure the datasource dynamically for each module from the XML.You may refer the blog - https://rpeactual.com/2015/10/02/report-from-multiple-data-sources-selected-dynamically
The template, sample XML along with the XML schema can be found in RPE install folder (under %rpe_home%\templates\DOORS\doors-multimodule)