Require REST URI for getting release and user story details
Accepted answer
If you are looking for "Planned For" value, you can try
https://server:port/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/workItem[projectArea/name='JKE Banking (Change Management)']/target/name
To get the work items planned for a particular release, you can use it in filter
will return ID and summary of all work items planned for 2.0 release
To access individual work item, you can use the work item ID as filter
will give work item details for WI #123
Hi Subramnaya,
Thanks for your reply. it really helps.
I have a project name called "ABC", so I need to getÂ
Planned Items details (such as Summary, Id, Status, Story Point and Filed Against)
by passing the project name
Kindly share me the right URI to get them.
Thanks in advance:-)
Hi Subramnaya,
I need a REST URI for getting below details by passing the project name for both types (i.e Tasks and story)
Id, Summary, Type, Filed Against, Application, Story Points, Creation Date, Creation By, Project Area, Team Area, Owned By, Priority, Planned For, Release
So could you please help me to get them.
Use * as the field selection should give you "all" fields. For example, workitem/workItem/(description|summary|severity|state) show you only the select four attributes, while workitem/workItem/* will show you all the attributes.