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Report Builder: extract reports in json format

Andrea Bielli (1111) | asked Oct 12 '17, 11:19 a.m.

Hi, hi have some reports in Report Builder which I would like to extract via http request in json format. It is possible?

This is what I've done: 
curl -k -L -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json"  -b ./cookies.txt -c ./cookies.txt 'https://server/rs/query/347/dataservice?limit=-1&report=<report-id>' -o 'report.json'

But, with this request the server give me a xml file.

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Jim Ruehlin (79114) | answered Oct 17 '17, 6:00 p.m.

 Hi Andrea,

I'm not a Report Builder developer and there's no publicly consumable API supported for that app. With those caveats, I'd guess that RB will not return JSON if requested. These are OSLC-based APIs and while they must return something in an acceptable OSLC format (XML, JSON, Turtle, etc), they don't have to return something in the requested format. AFAIK, CLM applications return XML almost exclusively. You'll probably need to parse the XML directly or convert it to JSON from XML.

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