HOW to configure doors web access using https with port 8443
I want to open doors from browser using DOORS WEB access. For that i have configure it and success to open it using http prtocol with 8080 port but i want to open it using https and 8443 port, which does't work.
I have tried it 30 times.
I used command: dbadmin -dcnEnable -data port@DOORSserver -P server_password -dcnBrokerUri “tcp://broker:61616“ -dcnChannelName “dcn“ -dwaHost DWAserver –dwaPort port –dwaProtocol http or https
Doors databse server
Doors Client
Doors web access
Can anyone please guide me as soon as possible.
Advance Thank you!
One answer
Hi Saumya,
It is easy to change port number by just opening [DWA_Inst_Dir]\server\conf\server.xml
then disable "Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080" parts, and enable "Define a SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443" parts.
However enabling SSL is a different story. You need to enable SSL as explained in