Why Test cases in Test suite does not have option like "Marked as reviewed" ?
Accepted answer
Hi Shweta,
"Mark as reviewed" is offered only for child items of Test Plans ( for planning purpose only). So this option is available to Test Suites, Test Case or Test Suite result section tables under Test Plan.
Also please note that using this option "Mark as reviewed" would not change the state of the artifact ( TestSuite, or TestCase ). This option would simply change the status of pending reviews for the current user logged in.
So in other words - If user perform "Mark as reviewed" option for a child test suite on Test Plan editor, then it would change the state of a Formal Review approval request pending under current user's name. It would not change the overall state of the Test Suite.
In order to change the state of all child artifacts ( Test Suite or Test Case ) please use bulk update options.