Importing Project template from 6.0.2 to 6.03

I need to import a project (folder structure, artifacts) from a server running DNG 6.0.2 to a second one running DNG 6.0.3 and then import a ReqIF from a Customer, generated from DNG 6.0.3.
The result is that, after the ReqIF import, all artifacts and folders are duplicated instead of being merged.
Is there any known incompatibility between the two versions as far as templates go?
Thank you in advance for your help!
Accepted answer

I think you should get a project template from your customer and create a project on your DNG 6.0.3 server out of it, rather than a project template from your DNG 6.0.2 server.
Mapping attributes, artifacts and types during ReqIF import is through UUID, not names, and you should be aware of that. You can check out the limitations and "things to know" in the official document.