2 answers
RTC = Rational Team Concert which is the product name you can buy and license.
CCM = Change and Configuration Management, which is what RTC mainly provides. Also the standard name of the web application (/ccm) deployed to the app server that provides RTC's services.
As a bonus, similar naming constructs exist for DNG (DOORS Next Generation) --> /rm = requirements management
and RQM (Rational Quality Manager) --> /qm = quality management
If this answers your question please mark it as accepted.
- Arne
I agree with Arne's answer. A slightly adjusted phrasing is that RTC is the name for a family of licenses, each of which provides functionality around task management, planning, file configuration management, and build. CCM is one of the applications that implements the services provided by those RTC licenses, but there are other applications that provide services for the RTC licenses (such as the reporting applications), and conversely, the CCM application provides services for other (non-RTC) licenses.
Matthew Clark
Sep 21 '17, 4:34 p.m.Love this question. IBM - just call the app CCM already and be done with it!!!!
Ulf Arne Bister
Sep 20 '17, 5:35 p.m.Actually, the app is already called ccm (or rather, that is the default name which could be changed upon installation). As Geoff rightfully pointed out the apps provide functions but the licensed products (like RTC) provide features.
The features are realized by a combination of functions, hence apps. Every license for instance includes base functions provided by the jts (jazz team server) app but it would make little sense to list specific features tied to jts.
In short: RTC is what you buy, ccm is what you install :-)