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Query regarding RPE-RDNG

Nitin Kaushik (11219) | asked Sep 14 '17, 5:56 a.m.


I am using RPE versionn 2.0.1 and RDNG 6.0.2. I have created a basic template just to see if its fetching the data from DNG or not. I am facing the following error while doing so, Can someone gguide me through this : 

Home folder C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Rational\Publishing Engine
Temp folder C:\Users\nkaushik\AppData\Local\Temp\1\RPE\temp
Work folder C:\Users\nkaushik\AppData\Local\Temp\1\RPE
RRDG Flags
CRRPE1064I Processing document template 1 of 1.
CRRPE1064I Validating data sources
CRRPE1064I Error in engine

src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'rrm:totalCount' to a(n) 'attribute declaration' component.

CRRPE3012E IBM Rational Publishing Engine error.
src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'rrm:totalCount' to a(n) 'attribute declaration' component.
CRRPE1064I Aborting engine execution...
CRRPE1064I Document generation finished in 0 seconds. 
Cache information
CRRPE1022I The process was completed in 0.688 seconds.
CRRPE1023E The document could not be generated.

2 answers

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Sep 14 '17, 6:17 a.m.

Could you attach the RPE template?
Looks like you have used oslc schema. In RPE template, you can select predefined schema (e.g. DNG Text) and add the schema. You can refer the sample template under %rpe_home%\templates\DNG.

Nitin Kaushik commented Sep 14 '17, 8:19 a.m.

For the Source schema I am using the DNG Text/ Module . I tried deleting all sections from template to see where it fails and it seems its failing at the very initial level. I just have a container for attributes and a paragraph inside containing text pointing to Title nothing else.

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Nitin Kaushik (11219) | answered Sep 14 '17, 9:01 a.m.

 I am closing this issue as its the version mismatch between RPE and CLM. Minimum supported version for CLM 6.0.2 is RPE version 2.1

Note : Error log are of not good support.

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