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In a Global Configuration with Components from CCM and RM, CCM files with links to RM are not shown in RM

Daniel Barbour (250323) | asked Sep 07 '17, 12:47 p.m.
edited Sep 07 '17, 12:50 p.m.

My environment is CLM 6.0.4 with iFix003 installed

I have a file with an 'Implements Requirement' link to RM which, when clicked, takes me to the applicable RM artifact, but the RM artifact does not display this link (i.e. the behavior is not symmetric).

I have performed a re-index of the data sources in LDX but this did not resolve the problem.

Does anyone know if there is a configuration setting to enable displaying links in RM to CCM files (contained in the same GC context) or if this capability is simply not supported?  If not supported - is this something that will be supported in a later version.

Thank you! 

Link from CCM to RM

Associated RM artifact showing No Links

Accepted answer

permanent link
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Sep 07 '17, 4:43 p.m.

Display of the backlinks from DNG to RQM is currently not supported (this is just a limitation based on development resources, not by design).   The Work Item to complete this integration is: 

Please feel free to add a comment to this work item, indicating your support.

Daniel Barbour selected this answer as the correct answer

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