DOORS Next Generation attributes with more than 1024 characters are displayed as empty texts
I am using DNG 6.0.3
I have an artifact attribute type of string type.
If the attribute contains more than 1024 characters, the attribute texts won't be able to show on the DOORS Next Generation view (Artifact view or Module view).
It only shows as an empty text.
For example, I have an artifact with ReviewComments attribute containing 1092 characters and 176 white spaces.
This text was imported into the artifact successfully.
I only can see the empty text in the ReviewComments attribute from DOORS Next Generation view.
But when I click the Edit icon on the ReviewComments attribute, I can see the full text from the ReviewComments attribute.
Also the ReviewComments attribute won't be able to export into Word format document and Excel format, the attribute result is always show as empty text.
Accepted answer
When an attribute is displayed in view (READ mode), its value is retrieved from the indices.
When Edit button is clicked (EDIT mode), its value is retrieved from the database.
When exporting a view to Word or Excel, the attribute value is taken from the view.
That's why if the attribute value is empty in a view, it will be empty in exported Word or Excel.
The Maximum RDF literalize is set to 1024 as default.
It means that only texts no more than 1024 characters will be indexed.
An attribute value with more than 1024 characters will not be indexed.
This explains why you cannot see the value with more than 1024 characters.
To resolve this issue, please perform the following steps:
1. change Maximum RDF literal size from 1024 to 2048 (or any value that text length will not exceed)
2. shut down server
3. reindex
4. start the server
If you do not perform server restart, it will not take effect.
If you do not perform reindex, all existing more-than-1024-characters texts will not be shown in views.
However, all new more-than-1024-characters texts and modified texts will be displayed in views.
This is because a modification will trigger a reindex on that particular artifact attribute.