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DOORS Next Generation does not allow creation of Satisfies links between 2 project areas

Andrew Clement (7272473) | asked Aug 17 '17, 11:35 p.m.

I can create Link To/Link From links between artifacts from two different project areas but I am not able to create Satisfies/Satisfied By links between artifacts from two different project areas.
The Project dropdown selection is greyed out for Satisfies/Satisfied By link type.
Instead of Satisfies/Satisfied By, I have been using Link To/Link From links and References links but it causes confusion to users.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Howard Hsiao (5.5k17) | answered Aug 17 '17, 11:39 p.m.

If RDF URI is not set for a given link type, then when creating a linkĀ of that given link type, the project selection will be greyed out.

You can resolve this issue by setting RDF URI for Satisfies link type in LinkĀ definition in "Manage Project Properties".

Andrew Clement selected this answer as the correct answer

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