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Can access to Components be restricted stream by stream?

Jeffrey Burke (312637) | asked Aug 17 '17, 10:52 a.m.
edited Aug 17 '17, 10:57 a.m.

Can access to Components be restricted stream by stream?

For example can access to Component A have one level of restricted access in Stream 1 and a different level of restricted access in Stream 2?


Accepted answer

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 18 '17, 5:50 a.m.

 You can use the "Restrict Change Set Delivery to Components in a Stream" Deliver(Server) precondition.

Jeffrey Burke selected this answer as the correct answer

Jeffrey Burke commented Aug 18 '17, 8:10 a.m.

Thanks Geoffrey!

Can this keep users from even reading the contents of a Component in a specific stream?

Foe example if you have a Component that has unique content (but only in a specific stream) that you don't want others to even be able to read. Can this pre-condition restrict read access of this Component for this specific stream?


Geoffrey Clemm commented Aug 18 '17, 8:54 a.m.

 Permissions and preconditions are for controlling write access, not for controlling read access.   You can only control read access for a component globally ... not on a per stream basis.   Just for interests sake, what would be the purpose of making a component invisible to a given person in one stream, but making it visible to that person in another stream?

Jeffrey Burke commented Aug 18 '17, 9:24 a.m.

Thanks again!

The purpose I was told would be that the Component will have unique content in a specific stream. The same Component in other streams would not have this unique content. Not everyone needs should be able to see this unique content.

Geoffrey Clemm commented Aug 18 '17, 4:45 p.m.

The content of a component is actually stored in change sets ... a 'stream' is just a way of seeing the combination of a particular set of change sets.   So hiding a component in a stream wouldn't really prevent someone from getting access to the content ... you would have to hide the change set (because RTC allows you to access change sets directly).

RTC does let you control the visibility of an individual file, so your best approach to selectively hiding content is to put the hidden content into a separate file, and then control access to that file.

Jeffrey Burke commented Aug 23 '17, 7:35 a.m.

Thanks again Geoffrey!

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