RQM RFT Integration
I am using RQM to initiate the execution of RFT scripts and I need to know if RQM sends any parameters to RFT that I could read in my RFT scripts. e.g. test case id.
Is this information sent to the RFT adapter and if yes, how can I read this programattically?
I also would like to know if some one has tried modifying the RFT execution logs that it sends back to RQM on completion of the test execution?
Is this information sent to the RFT adapter and if yes, how can I read this programattically?
I also would like to know if some one has tried modifying the RFT execution logs that it sends back to RQM on completion of the test execution?
One answer
Note: This post is 5+ years old.
Please upgrade to the latest version of RQM (see https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-quality-manager/) and review the product documentation (see https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/topic/com.ibm.help.common.jazz.calm.doc/com.ibm.help.common.jazz.calm.doc_eclipse-gentopic1.html) and jazz.net resources (see https://jazz.net/help). If your issue persists, please ask a new question (https://jazz.net/forum/questions/ask), open a defect (see https://jazz.net/mystuff/#tab=workitems), or open a PMR (see http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21507639).
Please upgrade to the latest version of RQM (see https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-quality-manager/) and review the product documentation (see https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/topic/com.ibm.help.common.jazz.calm.doc/com.ibm.help.common.jazz.calm.doc_eclipse-gentopic1.html) and jazz.net resources (see https://jazz.net/help). If your issue persists, please ask a new question (https://jazz.net/forum/questions/ask), open a defect (see https://jazz.net/mystuff/#tab=workitems), or open a PMR (see http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21507639).