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Does anybody knows a way to set the language RTC will work on Google Chrome?

Manoel De Souza (61) | asked Aug 11 '17, 12:49 p.m.

We do have developers spread in the world working in the same projects

For the developers in USA IBM RTC on the browser works fine, everything in English, no problem.
For the developers in Brazil everything shows in portuguese..
For the developers in Italy everything shows in italian.
For the developers in Poland everything shows in polish.

Chrome is the official tool in our company..

Does anybody found a clean way to set the Chrome or RTC itself to be presented in English doesn't matter where the user is from?

Maybe a setup on the server not to use whatever language is configured for the local developer.

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Ian Wark (79713553) | answered Aug 14 '17, 12:18 a.m.

If you use Eclipse client you can control this by adding -nl en to the end of the startup shortcut. If you are using a browser you could ask everyone to list en language above whatever their native language is in the language preferences. (The top one is chosen if it is available.) But that would impact on the rest of the browser use by that user by preferring English. Note that it is important to choose the English version of a process template as well when creating a project area, otherwise there are times (in my experience) where the other language appears. You might get more English by installing the server on an English OS in the first place and only choosing English language from the list during installation in Installation Manager.

There are a few other ideas here:

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