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Browser problem in dashboard widget

Norman Dignard (356694177) | asked Aug 02 '17, 2:08 p.m.

 A user (UserA)accessing JAZZ from a Windows box using IE and Chrome on  the project dashboard,  2 cross project plan widgets only show "error while loading widget, undefined."   

The UserA logs into jazz from another workstation having the same configuration and the widgets populate with no errors.    
Had another user using UserA's workstation try the same and it works fine for him when logged into windows using UserA's profile.

We cleared the browser cache, rebooted the PC but the problem persists for UserA on his original workstation.

What could be causing this problem?  Aside from clearing the cache, is there something else that can be done to clear his issue?

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 03 '17, 8:08 a.m.
edited Aug 03 '17, 8:08 a.m.

The difference seems to be the user profile on the failing machine. Make sure the same browser versions an browser settings are set for all the users.

You should clear the whole history - not only the cache, the logins etc.

Besides that without ans specific information (versions and supporting information a good question usually contains) there is not much else to suggest.

Norman Dignard commented Aug 03 '17, 9:24 a.m.

Perhaps I was not clear enough, on UserA's PC that is having the problem, UserB using UserA's Window's login session can login to JAZZ using his UserB jazz account .

We did clear all browser cache/history setting to no avail.

Using IE 11 and Chrome 59

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Marinept Villalobos (472131) | answered Aug 03 '17, 11:11 a.m.

 Have you tried using a different browser on UserA machine? For example, Mozilla firefox

Norman Dignard commented Aug 03 '17, 11:19 a.m.

No. The problem here is that these hosts have a standard image created by our IM group and we don't have rights to install stuff.

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