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Differences between an Eclipse client & Web client display for an RTC Workitem?

Dominique Picard (111) | asked Jul 27 '17, 6:33 a.m.

I created a custom Tab to display custom fields of a workitem in separate sections (RTC 5.0)
My understanding is that design is shared by both Web and Eclipse client !
Web client displays all fields and all sections as designed, but Eclipse client seems to display this in a more random mode, both fields and complete sections are missing.

As we use RTC app in production for a developers population, we would like to get the same design in the Eclipse client that is used by most of the developers.

Thank you for your help

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Nate Decker (37814761) | answered Jul 27 '17, 10:10 a.m.

 In our environment, we have discovered lots of bugs with the editor presentation where things aren't displayed the same way or sometimes not at all.

You can try different layouts and see if that helps. We found better success with the H layout than with the Overview layout. You can also try putting fewer attributes in a massive section (i.e., create more sections). Sometimes an attribute doesn't display correctly when displayed alongside another specific attribute, but putting it in a separate section resolves that.

I'd report all of the defects as you encounter them because IBM really needs to give presentations some more TLC.

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