Permissions needed to connect from build machine on RTC
We are using a build machine that had an older ID that migrated to a newer ID to receive Build requests in RTC and do builds. The JazzBuildClient attaches to RTC fine and waits for a build to be submitted. When we submit a build, nothing happens. The Build ID matches fine to the define build for the request.
Question: Could it be that this new ID may need permissions updated to be able to connect using this new ID:
Jeff Smith
Jul 18 '17, 5:52 p.m.This forum will not let me post image.... when we select Client Access Licenses -> Rationa Team Concert (automated users only), I cannot add this ID as one of the users. Do I need to have JazzAdmins perform this for me?
Donald Nong
Jul 19 '17, 12:18's interesting that some forum users realized that the attached images would not be shown due to low reputation points and some didn't. Yes, for assigning a license, you do need the JazzAdmins repository role. But I can't answer your original question though.