Do .jazzignore files take effect only once delivered?
Hi All, I have a .jazzignore file in folder A, which has been delivered and contains
core.ignore= \
If I create a bin folder in A, next to this .jazzignore, no unresolved changes show up.
I moved the same .jazzignore file into a subfolder of A, called B.
Then I create a bin folder next to B's .jazzignore. Both the bin and the .jazzignore show up as an unresolved change.
Then I check in B's .jazzignore. The bin is still in the unresolved.
Do I need to deliver .jazzignore files to start working? If so, how can I test them before delivering?
RTC 6.0.1
here it is suggested that the check-in would be sufficient
Accepted answer
There is no need to deliver the .jazzignore file, unless you want others to have the same configuration. Let's try this way.
1. Remove all the .jazzignore files except the original one in the root folder.
2. Add the folder root folder/A/B/bin.
3. In the Pending Changes view, expand the Unresolved category so that you can see the folder "bin".
4. Right-click "bin" and select Ignore.
2 other answers
By moving the Jazz ignore into a sub folder you basically removed any jazzignore for the files and folders that are not within the hierarchy of that folder.
So essentially you don't have no .jazzignore for all the other folders anymore. I think you either move the .jazzignore back up or create a new one. See
A .jazzignore files can be contained anywhere under a shared folder. A .jazzignore file that is contained above a shared folder is not recognized.
I have also tried with copying instead of moving, which made no difference
since I use core.ignore, no recursive, I also do not expect to have any
root folder\A
root folder\A\.jazzignore <--- A's .jazzignore
root folder\A\bin <--- no unresolved change
root folder\A\B
root folder\A\B\.jazzignore <--- B's .jazzignore
root folder\A\B\bin <--- an unresolved change
Do you mean .jazzignore files are only supposed to work in subfolders of the root folder, and not in lower subfolders?
This is what I read in the link you mention
A .jazzignore files can be contained anywhere under a shared folder. A .jazzignore file that is contained above a shared folder is not recognized.
Does the "shared folder" refer to a folder right below the root folder?
adding {B\bin} or {B/bin} to
A's .jazzignore has no effect either
how can I ignore A\B\bin?
see OPEN QUESTIONS comment on the original question
Gergely Mincsovics
Jul 19 '17, 3:34 a.m.OPEN QUESTIONS:
(1) how can I ignore a subfolder
root folder\A\B\bin
so that no other folders get ignored?
(2) What does 'shared folder' refer to in
(3) does rtc read .jazzignore files if these are located
root folder\A\B.jazzignore
at all?
Donald Nong
Jul 19 '17, 8:39 p.m.To ignore the folder "root folder\A\B\bin", you need to create a "root folder\A\B.jazzignore" file containing "core.ignore= {bin}". If you don't want this .jazzignore file to show up as pending change as well, add {.jazzignore} to the same file.
If I am not mistaken, a "shared folder" is one that is under RTC source control. In your example, anything one level up of "root folder" and beyond will not be recognized.
RTC reads all .jazzignore files that are in the shared folder structure. It takes effect right after you refresh the sandbox.
Gergely Mincsovics
Jul 20 '17, 3:29 a.m.I did exactly that ("root folder\A\B.jazzignore"), but it simply did not work. The "root folder\A\B\bin" folder was still showing up as unresolved.
Yes, I tried refreshing, and a few more things, but it had no effect.
Donald Nong
Jul 20 '17, 10:43 p.m.Maybe it's just the displaying issue on the forum, but let's make sure, the file is ""root folder\A\B\ .jazzignore" - that is, the .jazzignore file and folder "bin" are in the same folder "B". It works in my RTC 6.0.3 environment.
Gergely Mincsovics
Jul 21 '17, 3:19 a.m.Hi Donald, yes, you are right. It is a displaying issue.
root folder\A\B\.jazzignore is the path we are talking about
Gergely Mincsovics
Jul 21 '17, 3:29 a.m.double checked now: my .jazzignore in subfolder B does not work even if delivered, while my .jazzignore in A does work, in RTC 6.0.1