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SCM Migration Tool : How to deliver a file as a changeset to a component in RTC SCM using APIs.

Jazzuser user (681050) | asked Jul 13 '17, 7:53 a.m.
edited Jul 14 '17, 12:16 a.m.

Hello Team,

I have a usecase wherein I need to checkIn and deliver a given file as a ChangeSet to the mentioned component.

It is a migration process, from one system to RTC SCM. so the files are in my local drive. I need to checkin and deliver each file as a new changeset to that mentioned component.

Are there any RTC APIs to do this ?

Request you to kindly assist on this.


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Jazzuser user (681050) | answered Jul 14 '17, 12:15 a.m.

I was going through the following URL :

I have a similar requirement, but instead of taking the files from the archive, we need to take the files from a given location and have a changeset and deliver the same. What are the alternative APIs to convert files to changeset ?

Please assist me on this.

Shashikant Padur commented Jul 14 '17, 4:31 a.m.

The following link may also help:

By the way, any reason why you do not want to use the scm commandline tool? It has all the commands you are asking for.

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 14 '17, 4:49 a.m.

It does not matter where you get the files from, the code in does the trick if you provide the data as a output stream.

Jazzuser user commented Jul 17 '17, 4:14 a.m.

I was trying the example in :

What is the actual path that must be given ? I have tried with various paths(absolute, relative and WS also...but it is still failing)
But when giving the remote path, the code is failing with the following error :

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not resolve path [testCs/]
    at test.TestClass.findRepositoryPath(
    at test.TestClass.main(

Can someone please help :(


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