Link constrains are not import to other project area
I’ve created master project area in RDNG, which has all our required artifact types, artifact attributes, attribute data types, link types, and link constraints. Based our master template we will create multiple project areas.
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Actually, we will create new project area and then we will go to manage project properties and then we will use import option to import all our artifact from my master template so that we don’t need to create an artifact again and again all my project areas. <o:p> </o:p>
<o:p> </o:p> Problem:
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When we were importing artifacts from import Project properties, it imports Artifact Types, Artifact Attributes, Attribute Data Types and Link Types. But Link Constraints are not importing. My question is why Link Constraints are not part of import and is there any limitations? <o:p> </o:p>
Please suggest us how to import link constrains from one project to other project area. We have many link constrains to manage my projects. <o:p> </o:p>
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Accepted answer
Hi Penchal,