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How to get count of modified artifact,added artifacts and deleted artifacts from DNG

Rohini Kumar (921057) | asked Jul 10 '17, 3:37 a.m.

 Hi Team ,

 My scenario is that I want to get count of modified artifact ,added artifact,deleted artifact,how can I do this,in DNG
 I want this counts for stability index  reporting  purpose, Is there any way to get this count using JRS or BIRT?
 Any one have any solution on the same?

Thanks In Advance.

3 answers

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Chidambaram L (23414287) | answered Jul 10 '17, 7:48 a.m.

This is not available in the out of the box RDNG.
Use Jazz Reporting Service (JRS). JRS has to be installed separately. CLM licenses are sufficient to run JRS reports.
You can also use Rational Insight or Rational Publishing Engine to generate your report. But JRS is easier.

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Rohini Kumar (921057) | answered Jul 11 '17, 1:06 a.m.
edited Jul 11 '17, 1:06 a.m.

thanks for response,but question is that how can I do this with  JRS?

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Chidambaram L (23414287) | answered Jul 11 '17, 8:39 a.m.
edited Jul 11 '17, 8:44 a.m.

It can be done with java script capabilities of JRS.

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