When wil the tech preview for Exporting JRS results into Watson Analytics available for on prem installation?

the tech preview for JRS export to Watson Analytics is available on jazz.net. Also nice youtube videos are available.
But to evaluate if Watson Analytics creates meaningful reports which are useful for an organization it must be ruin against real data and not sandbox data.
So the tech preview must be available to install on prem., so we can fire our data into Watson Analytics.
I have V.6.0.4-RC1 available to run such tests on prem.
One answer

Hi Guido,

Hi Fariz
Thank you for the answer..unfortunately it doesn't fit to what we like to do.
We would like to test Watson Analytics with our own data, so we can understand the result.
Since it's not possible directly out of RB, is there another way to export our data and upload it to Watson Analytics
Thank you