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Custom URI's usage in SPARQL

David Reilly (69642) | asked Aug 08 '18, 10:41 a.m.

Hi all, 

I've defined URI's in my project area for specific artifact types and attributes and I was wondering which approach would work best for creating a custom SPARQL query.  
PREFIX custom: <>

  ?Custom_uri oslc:instanceShape ?Custom_uri_instanceShape.
  ?Custom_uri owl:sameAs custom:Type. 

Is this the right approach? Ideally this would avoid directly specifying the type with a "merge:mergeShape" reference. 

Thanks to anyone who provides me guidance - online resources or sparql guides are appreciated as well. 


One answer

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Petru Acsinte (1311) | answered Aug 08 '18, 7:02 p.m.

Depending on how you define RDF URIs for the enumeration members, this approach might not work for you.
For example:
Data type "Level"
has members "Critical" ( and "Safe" (
This condition won't work properly:
PREFIX custom: <>
....   ?member owl:sameAs custom:level#safe .

One other thing to keep in mind: RDF URI is optional. Your query will miss those type versions that do not specify it.

David Reilly commented Aug 13 '18, 1:41 p.m.

Just so I understand correctly, the working version of your snippet above should look like this?

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