How to make build definition to build only if some components changes in the stream
Hi Experts,
I have a stream with 6 components.
Stream Name: stream1
components: comp1, comp2, comp3,comp4, comp5 and comp6.
Now, i want my build definition to trigger builds only if there is a change in comp3. But, it should load comp2 and comp3 to sandbox whenever there is a change in comp3.
What I have done?
In build definition, under Jazz Source Control I have excluded all components except Comp3. This is loading only Comp3. But the challenge here is I want to load comp2 also whenever there is a change in comp3.
because comp2 is thirdparty apps. we have dependency on comp2 for building Comp3.
But, if there's a change in Comp2 the build should not be triggered.
Could please provide your suggestions to achieve this.
Thank you,
R Dama.