My link constraints are not getting saved - what am I doing wrong?
We have established some link constraints and they are working. But now, I cannot add any more.
6.0.2 ifix11, Windows Server.
We have an Artifact Type of: Requirement (Systems)
A link constraint of Decomposition has been assigned already (Child Of, Parent Of) to itself (Requirement (Systems)
We have 4 currently defined:
Requirement > Verifies > Test Case
Requirement (PDI) > Satisfaction > Requirement
Requirement (Systems) > Decomposition > Requirement (Systems)
Requirement (Systems) > Satisfaction > Requirement
I am trying to add another one
Requirement (Systems) > Satisfaction > Requirement (Systems)
No matter what I do the set of Link Rules does not get saved.
1. Create Link Rule - it is in the table
2. Push Save Button - it is still in the table and the Save button is grey
3. Refresh the UI - the Rule disappears!
This is repeatable and does not matter what type of rule is created.
I even tried to delete ALL the rules. The table was empty; refresh; they are all back.
I do have CM turned ON and I am working in a Change Set.
One answer
Hi David,
It looks like there are some cross project types links defined so I wonder if you're running in to defect 108781. Is one of the projects (PDI or Systems) CM enabled while the other is not? It sounds like you may want to open a PMR for this in either case, as support will need some data to determine why the link constraints are not being saved properly. A client trace from the browser (a HAR file) while attempting to save the link constraints would be nice to have if that's something you're familiar with capturing and including in the PMR. Otherwise support can talk you through capturing that.