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Can I add a link or URL to a an element of a DNG 6.0.3 diagram?

Keith Eberhard (19114) | asked Jun 21 '17, 11:52 a.m.

I can add links to the DNG 6.0.3 diagram artifact, but cannot add a link or URL to diagram shapes such as a WireframeText Box shape or a Flowchart Process shape. 

One answer

permanent link
Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Jun 21 '17, 7:17 p.m.

Hi Keith,

You can do this if you create the link from the diagram shape.  Just right-click the shape with the diagram in Edit mode and click "Add Link".  When you follow the link from the linked artifact back to the diagram, it will open the diagram and highlight the shape that is linked.  Hope it helps,

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