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Problem with RTC 6.0.3 eclipse client for Mac OS 64 bit. Can anybody help?

Yuanhui Liu (633) | asked Jun 16 '17, 3:38 p.m.

We are trying to use RTC 6.0.3 eclipse client on Mac OS (64 bit). We downloaded the zip version installable for Mac from After unzipped and tried to launch "eclipse" within the "jazz" folder, got warning message that "this needs a lower java 6 version". Our RTC 6.0.3 server security setting requires newer version of java for the client to connect to. Is there a way to use Java 8 with this installable? Or is there any other installable that could run with Java 8? 


Yuanhui Liu commented Jun 16 '17, 7:36 p.m.

Besides the problem we countered with the zip version of installable mentioned above, we have also tried p2 option for Mac. The p2 installable that we downloaded from failed to install into both Eclipse Mars and Neon. 

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jun 18 '17, 10:38 p.m.

I have no problems with running RTC 6.0.3 Eclipse client with JRE 1.7 on a Mac. I can also create a Java project using JDK 8. Install the necessary JDKs and use the "-vm" parameter in eclipse.ini to point to the right JDK.

BTW, how does your RTC 6.0.3 server detect the client's Java version?

Yuanhui Liu commented Jun 19 '17, 3:17 p.m.

Thanks Don for your response. It finally works after I changed the -vm arg :) The way our RTC 6.0.3 server would detect the client's Java version is because one of its security settings is TLSv1.2, which requires higher Java version on the client side. Otherwise, we won't be able to connect to the repository from the client.

Donald Nong commented Jun 19 '17, 10:42 p.m.

It may be true for Apple Java 6, but not so for IBM Java 6, as TLSv1.2 support was added more than 2 years ago.

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