How to get timeline of a specific workitem via REST API?

One answer

Hello Tali, per it should be

Hi Luis, Thanks for our reply.
the PlannedFor gives me the iteration. Is there a way to get from it to the Timeline? If I go to parent it only gets to parent iterations, but not until the timeline level.
Thank you.

Do you see anywhere that the timeline is displayed alongside with the workitem? Just try to understand the use case and the reason you don't want to iterate through the iterations to get the timeline.

Hi Donald,
I am iterating through the iterations by following the url in "rtc_cm:parent" but I am getting only until the highest level of iterations, and not reaching the timeline. I am asking how to get to it.

Strange, now I see the "rtc_cm:timeline" in the PlannedFor. I don't know how I missed it before. Maybe the work items I tested were missing this information for some reason.
Thank you Donald and Luis for your help.