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DOORS NG 6.0.2 - Username always present in 'Directed to' list for artifact comments in a project

Adrian Haw (2741241) | asked May 18 '17, 2:28 a.m.

For all Comments added to artifacts in a project, 1 username is always appearing by default in the field 'Directed to'.

Why and how do we get rid of this?

2 answers

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Bas Bekker (1.4k4) | answered May 18 '17, 10:26 a.m.

I don't see that behavior. Is it happening to just that one project?

Adrian Haw commented May 18 '17, 10:29 a.m.

Hi Bas
Yes, just in this 1 project which is the strange thing.
For all comments, the username always appears pre-selected in the Directed to field. It can be deleted but the question is why this started. Seems it could be connected to project roles - at least it is project-specific - so something within the project properties is driving this but we've looked everywhere and couldn't find anything.

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Adrian Haw (2741241) | answered May 19 '17, 10:05 a.m.
edited May 19 '17, 10:10 a.m.

Update: now that more people have started using the Artifact Comment feature in the project other user names are being pre-filled into the "Directed to" field - sometimes just 1, other times 2 users and always members of this single project but in multiple modules - we don't see this behaviour in any other project in the database.
There is however no logic to which names are pre-filled - it always is 1 of the project members if only 1 name is pre-filled but if there are 2 names pre-filled the 2nd name can be different (not always the same 2 names).

Eg. Username99 always appears pre-filled in the "Directed to" field but sometimes accompanied by another user - such as Username99 and Username5 other times with Username99 and Username23 othertimes Username99 and Username68, etc. but all are project members.
Is there a setting for Artifact Comments that we somehow triggered to pre-fill with content?

Bas Bekker commented May 19 '17, 10:49 a.m.

Just to be sure, aren't you guys using a feature like Autofill from Chrome?

Adrian Haw commented May 19 '17, 11:08 a.m.

This is happening in multiple browsers - I can reproduce in: IE 11, Firefox 53, Chrome 58, Vivaldi 1.8.....etc.

None of the browsers is using any Autofill addon or setting.

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