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Logging levels in RQM

sara chason (27224) | asked May 14 '17, 9:11 a.m.


I'm executing python scripts with RQM using command line test scripts.
I'm using a common Python Logger that use this logging convention:

ERROR = 40

INFO = 20


DEBUG = 10

I'm executing my python script through a test suite on a machine with a CLA (Command Line Adapter) installed on it and I see that even though the script passes with a return code = 0, the test suite result has an RQM .err log with all the INFO prints, as if all my python INFO log messages are translated to ERROR messages in RQM and fail the test suite for no reason.

does someone know if RQM has a logging system that I can access in order to align its log levels with my Python log levels?


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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered May 14 '17, 9:40 p.m.

Hi, Sara

There are exit codes  in CLA you can map to python logger:

sara chason commented May 15 '17, 2:08 a.m.

It's not the exit code that I see a problem with, but the INFO log messages from within my Python script that are interpreted as ERROR messages and are printed to RQM .err log instead of to RQM .output log.

if there is a solution to print the whole script's log messages (from all log levels) to the .output log, that would be the best.
thanks for your quick response! 

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