RTC 6.0.3 Time Estimate Kind not supported in attribute presentation

We have a custom attributes for estimation with Attribute Type Duration and Editor presentation kind is selected as Time Estimate. It was working fine till RTC version 6.0.1. In RTC 6.0.3 we are getting following error:
The 'Time Estimates' kind is not supported for this attribute presentation; select a different presentation kind in project area configuration.
Is there a change in RTC 6.0.3 for time estimate?
One answer

In RTC 6.0.3, Duration kind is not supported for custom estimate attribute. This is supported to default estimate attribute only. We have similar issue when we have upgraded from 6.0.1 to 6.0.3.
Either you need to use out of box estimate attribute if you want Duration kind OR select any other kind for custom estimate attribute.
If this is impacting your current data then I would suggest raise PMR.
Sathish Kumar B
Jul 22 '17, 2:13 p.m.I am also having same issue. After we upgrade im getting this error message