Replacing a component with a component from another stream
I am trying to replace a component with a component from another stream. So I use the "replace with" option. However, I get the error "Deliver (failed). Missing work item. Work item missing owner. Missing work item" I'm used to seeing this when delivering a change set. But since I'm just replacing a component's contents I don't understand what this error means. Unless RTC recognizes the replacement as a change set that is delivered from the original stream to the target stream In that case, how do I associate a work item with this? Am I missing a step. I followed the directions here
Any help would be much appreciated.
2 answers
A "replace" is just a funny kind of deliver, so all of the deliver constraints apply to a replace. In particular, if you compare the current configuration of that component in the stream with what you are going to "replace" it with, then all of the change sets that you are effectively adding to the stream are checked against the process rules for the target stream. So in your case, all of those change sets must be associated with some work item.
Thanks Geoffrey. That was a helpful response. However, I don't see an option to associate a work item. This "replacement change set" doesn't register in the pending changes view. So I am not sure how to add a comment and associate a work item when using the "replace with" option.
There isn't a "replacement change set" ... there are the change sets that make up the configuration that is replacing the current configuration. Unfortunately, I am not aware of any simple way to find those change sets that are missing an associated work item (perhaps someone else on the forum has a suggestion?). A (non-simple) way is to do the compare of the current configuration of the component, and the configuration that you want to replace it with. Scan through those change sets to find the one that doesn't have a work item number as part of its title, and those are the ones missing an associated change set.
Hi Tamara,
you have two options to solve this. Either you expand the component baseline and search for the change sets which is being missed from associating workitem and associate the Workitem right away and deliver OR you can uncheck the "pre-condition" of "Associating work item before delivering change set" and deliver same.
This can be unchecked from RTC Client, Right click on PA -- > Process configuration ( At the Bottom Left hand side) -->Team Configuration --> Operation Behavior --> Source Control ( under Operations ) --> Deliver --> and select the role which is set in your PA for delivering the code. Uncheck it's pre-condition