How can I filter "linked artifacts" using new schema in DNG 6.0.3
In 6.0.2 in old filter schema, I could filter on "linked artifacts" and select
The filter was:
linked artifacts
link type: "embedded in"
artifact type: "Assembly" (a new artifact we created where we embedded an assembly with requirements)
artifact id: ##
then apply.
I would then get a listing or requirements embedded in a specific assembly.
This filter possibility no longer exists in new (6.0.3) filter schema.
Any suggestions on how to work around this new limitation?
One answer
Click Add Filter (+), then search for Link Type. Once selected, it will present a list of the available Link types for selection. Click Add, and you can then select Artifact Type for the next attribute in your query. Again, it will present a list of the available Artifact Types for selection. Click Add and Close when done.
I'd post an image but apparently that requires points that I do not possess :(