What ID and pasword should I use to run the scm command line process form a RTC command line build?

2 answers

The ID must:
- Be associated with the particular repository
- Have membership/role sufficient to read source artifacts
- Someone must know the credentials.
See the RTC Knowledge Center / Rational Team Concert / Reference /
e.g. SCM

Additionally; as of RTC 6.0.3 the scm CLI provides the --generatePasswordFile and --password-file options in which you can supply your (encrypted) password:

See also: https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/topic/com.ibm.team.build.doc/topics/t_authen_jbe_cli.html
That aludes to scm login caching credentials which can be done and later connections will work.

For maximal security, you would use the password file option. Note that although the password file is encoded, to keep the password secure you need to read-protect the password file. This ensures that the security of the password file is at the same level as the security of the operating system that manages the file.