RTC 6.0.2 Import massively Work Items including IDs

Hello community,
I have a question related to: "Importing work items from a CSV file" as described here https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC_6.0.2/com.ibm.team.workitem.doc/topics/t_importing_work_items_csv_file.html
Is it possible to assign a predefined ID to the newly imported/created Work Item? So instead of letting RTC assign the ID (according to the built in rules) I wish I could assign the ID through the CSV file itself.
Thanks in advance.
Accepted answer

Hi Bledar,
You do not want to force Work Item ID's or this will cause issues; I've seen a way to do this but it causes issues to the built in rules and then re-sets the numbering of the ID's... nightmare and nightmare to then fix.
If you want to keep reference to something else - I'd suggest adding in the Summary or Description or a separate attributes. My advise (I'm not IBM) do not mess with the WI ID's
Matt Muller