How to add RTC viewlets in the HTML pages.

Hello All,
We have a usecase wherein we need to have a small icon in the HTML page. On click of that icon, RTC query should be triggered(which fetches the details of current iteration details). and displays in the HTML page.
We have to use viewlets for this, I didnt get more information about creating this.
we have got a sample code for this :
<div id="jazz-viewlet_1449745469554" data-version="1.0" data-server-version="5.0.2">
<textarea id="jazz-viewlet_1449745469554_width" style="display:none;">1200</textarea>
<textarea id="jazz-viewlet_1449745469554_height" style="display:none;">0</textarea>
How to create this highlighed viewlet id ?
Could you please assist me on this.