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How could I sync up one work item in one project with the other work item in another project in the same RTC repo?

jane zhou (1061068) | asked Apr 19 '17, 2:37 p.m.


Hi Someone who may know,

How could I sync up one work item in one project with the other work item in another project in the same repo? Here is our requirement. say, we have work item A in project a, work item B in project b. Now we linked A with B by adding Related links between them. Then as long as work item A is changed, the same change can be in work item B automatically. and vice versa.
I read some article about synchronizing between RTC with other system or other repos, I am not sure whether there is easy way to sync up between 2 work items for different project in one repo?


Best Regards,

One answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Apr 19 '17, 11:55 p.m.

I don't think this is built-in functionality to do this. You need to develop a follow-up action for this.

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