CLM 6.0.2 - Finalizing GC setup (CRJAZ1850E error)
Hello All,
I have installed JTS,QM,RM,CCM,RELM,LQE,DCC,GC,JRS in a distributed environment.
I have completed the setup and running the jts/setup now.
I was able to successfully register all applications except GC.
The DB tables were created successfully and in the step where we need to click 'Finalize application Setup'
I get the below error.
Unable to save the consumer key and secret into the application's database. See details for more information.ID CRJAZ1850E
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Error 500: An error response was received from the Jazz Team Server. Status=400. Message: The license "Global Configuration Management Application-Internal" cannot be assigned. There are no more available.
I understand Jazz is not able to assign the GC Internal license. I cross checked with the gc_user and it is empty.
However when I checked in the lower environment, the gc_user has the license internally assigned there however in my current installation the gc_user does not have this license assigned. seems to be empty & hence the error.
Could you let me know how to overcome this error and finalize the GC setup ?
Thanks in advance,
Vishnu M