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Is there a way to add custom attributes in the workitem creation template? Currently only filed against and planned for are present

aastha khatri (22721) | asked Apr 05 '17, 1:50 a.m.

I want to create workitems using workitem template but the issue is I can set only two  fields Filed against and Planned For.

My requirement is to set other custom attributes while creating workitem as I have mandated these custom attributes for workitem creation.


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Andy Chen (812) | answered Apr 06 '17, 2:39 a.m.

Hi Aastha,

Unfortunately, when creating a work item template from a work item, only the Filed Against and Planned For attributes can be set as template variables and be defined again when creating a work item from a template. All other attributes will be set to the value defined by the template.

However, you can modify the template XML file to do simple string substitutions. Any example XML showcasing this functionality can be found here:

If you still feel strongly about this functionality, you may have to raise an enhancement request.

For further information on Work Item Templates:

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