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Is there a way to add a description to a folder in RDNG 6.0.1?

Will Cummings (378) | asked Mar 24 '17, 12:13 p.m.
edited Mar 24 '17, 12:15 p.m.

Being new to Rational, and to the way things are structured here at work, it would be immensely helpful if, in the Artifacts Tree view in the /rm tool, the folders themselves could have brief descriptions of contents or purpose (one or two liner) - perhaps as a tool-tip when hovering over them, etc.  Does such a functionality already exist, and I'm just not finding it?


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Bas Bekker (1.4k4) | answered Mar 24 '17, 2:03 p.m.

No, such functionality does not exist.

But feel free to put in a request for enhancement, which you can do here: IBM Software RFE Community

Will Cummings selected this answer as the correct answer

Will Cummings commented Mar 24 '17, 2:55 p.m.

That is unfortunate.  In my searching, it appears such functionality did exist in an earlier version (pre-2.0 I think).  Too bad they took it out, but given the amount of time between then and now, maybe the need isn't widespread enough.  Oh well...  Thanks for the suggestion; I will put in an enhancement request.

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