While using ReqIF Export, the validated and Implemented by links are not getting exported, are these not supported?
We are currently using CLM 6.0.1 running on Windows. We were trying to test moving of certain requirements from one project to another. A few of these requirements have links to tasks and Test cases with link types Implemented by and Validated by respectively. We were trying to use ReqIF for these activity. While the artifacts do get copied these links do not. They don't show up in the export report too. Are these not supported? While I did test that the links between Requirements are getting exported. Any suggestions?
One answer
Transferring OSLC links via ReqIF isn't supported (at the moment, at least) by DNG, because those types of links aren't expressible in ReqIF (A ReqIF SPEC-RELATION element links 2 SPEC-OBJECT elements via ReqIF identifiers, not URLs). Those types of links aren't expressible because OSLC links aren't usually relevant to standard ReqIF usage scenarios.
However, that being said, there has been a recommendation, recently accepted by the ReqIF implementor forum (PROSTEP), that external link information (which should include OSLC links) be transferred in the tool-specific extension part a ReqIF file.
DNG hasn't implemented that recommendation, as of release 6.0.5, but may do in future.