Past 2 days, the JTS tablespace has grown significantly from 18gb to 33gb. There should be no major data transactions on this app. Has anyone seen this before and what is the cause?
2017-03-23 15:42:09,590 [WebContainer : 83 @@ 15:42 <unauthenticated> <> /rtc/query] WARN - CRJAZ2649I Currently, a high volume of messages is being logged. To maintain performance, the server is not replicating some messages to the database. However, these messages are still available in this log file.
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leo chung
Mar 23 '17, 5:23 p.m.this is seen int he jts.log:
Donald Nong
Mar 23 '17, 5:25 p.m.The warning is irrelevant, I believe. Can you confirm the "JTS tablespace" is used by JTS only, or RTC (or any other CLM applications) as well?
leo chung
Mar 23 '17, 5:27 p.m.Yes, it is only used by JTS only.