No rm:boundArtifact in OSLC query results in 6.0.3 and later?

We have a script issuing OSLC commands against DOORS NG. It works fine in 6.0 - 6.0.2, while it stopped working with 6.0.3.
When tracking down the problem we noticed that the result returned by OSLC queries for artifacts (mainly getting all artifacts of a certain type) the result still contains entries both for the base artifact and the artifact usage in modules, but the latter do no longer contain the "rm:boundArtifact" attribute the script is using to distinguish between those.
Is this a bug or has something changed? We can't find any other attribute which would help us to identify the difference.
One answer

Please see this defect already filed which sounds alot like your question.
Feel free to comment on the workitem with any other details you have to offer if the scenario is the same as yours.