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Iteration Does not belong to Timeline

Praveen Chougala (31833) | asked Mar 01 '17, 8:38 a.m.

We have RTC 6.0.2 iFix007.

WI have got warnings "Iteration Does not belong to Timeline" for "Planned For" attribute.
But i cross checked everything, Iterations are under the same Timeline which is mapped to a team and associated with a proper category. (Filter on Timline in category section is also for the same timeline).

and for some WIs the warning is little different "Iteration do not have date" for "Planned For" attribute, all the dates are set properly though.

Kindly help me if anyone knows the cause for this.



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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Mar 01 '17, 7:34 p.m.

I could reproduce the "Iteration Does not belong to Timeline" problem in RTC 6.0.2. The issue could not be reproduced in 6.0.3.

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