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Query to find all children to specified ID in OSLC.

Staffan Solin (1319) | asked Feb 28 '17, 10:55 a.m.

Can someone give me some guidelines on how to create a query to reach all children specified to a id.

For example:

Child(id:2)          Child(id:3)

I want a query to find all the children associated with the parent with id 1 (id 2 and id 3) in OSLC.

Thanks in advance.

One answer

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Mar 02 '17, 5:07 a.m.

Please define "children".

If you mean the Parent/Child link, it should be very simple to get. Check out the below document.

Staffan Solin commented Mar 03 '17, 8:14 a.m.

Sorry for being unclear, yes i mean the Parent/Child link.

Thanks for the link, I still however don't fully understand how to "fetch" the Parent/Child link. Im doing the first mentioned steps which leads me to here:

How do i get to where I can find the link between the items?
Im using the Firefox RESTclient extension to try this out.

Im not looking in the cm-database but the rm-database, does that make any difference for the outcome?


Donald Nong commented Mar 05 '17, 8:11 p.m.

The outcome may be slightly different but you definitely need a different document for reference.

You can also use the reportable REST API, which is similar but different to the OSLC API.

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