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How to connect Tableau to RTC datawarehouse

michael entler (171427) | asked Feb 21 '17, 4:27 p.m.

Trying to build a view in Tableau from RTC DW. What I'm looking for right now is just to be able to search for workitems across projects for specific users, so a developer can track his work across multiple projects.

I found an old post that linked to the old data dictionary, but the link no longer worked.

Probably what I'm looking for is the schema that RTC DW uses so we can use it with Tableau.

Has this been done successfully?

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9185201) | answered Feb 21 '17, 4:49 p.m.

From experience, the db schema are not documented.   More recent versions of RTC (>= 5 maybe ) have the "My Stuff" link that appears to drag in one's work items from all projects in the repository [ where the person is a member at least ].

There are also Personal dashboards upon which one can add viewlets relating to specific project areas.

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