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Generating report on Owned by attribute of work item using jazz report builder

vikrant kamble (1323796) | asked Feb 20 '17, 6:35 a.m.

I want to generate report of work item using jazz reporting services where I want to display all the work items in which 'Owned by' field is set.

I have installed CLM 6.0.2 and using JRS to generate report. 
My logic is, in the Set conditions field of report builder I am selecting owner attribute, in the Choose values field my selections are Owner is any of and Selected Users I want to add all the users of project area.
When I click on + next to selected users I am not able to see the list of users in project area therefore unable to proceed further.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Feb 20 '17, 10:42 p.m.

The "Select Users" just lists the users of the repository. It doesn't provide the function to filter the users by project area.

If your requirement is display all work items which have "Owned by" assigned, you can first use "Owner is not" with "No set value" condition.

In my environment the report still displays the work items with "Unassigned" owner which is shown as "Resource Full Name Missing" in JRS report. I'm not sure if this is a product defect or not. 
However I can query the "RIODS.Resource" table in the data warehouse and find the Resource_Id. Then I modify the report's SQL query from "Advanced" section of Format Results tab, and changed "T1.OWNER_ID <> -1" to "T1.OWNER_ID <>  [the resource_id]" to get the report.

vikrant kamble commented Feb 21 '17, 12:07 a.m.

 I am also having same problem here that i am getting "Resource Full Name Missing" for the work item where owned by field is unassigned. I am aware that Select Users will list the users of the repository, my problem here is that i can not see users list. If I give value as * in the search bar, "no users found" message is displayed. Basically issue here is I am not able to see users list.

Lily Wang commented Feb 21 '17, 12:40 a.m.

Could you find "owner_id" information from "RIODS.REQUEST" table? Could you find any record from "RIODS.RESOURCE" table?
If you can not, you may consider to run a DCC full load to re-collect the data. Otherwise, please check if the data source is correct.

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