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Report Builder Drill Downs Inaccurate

Alick Banda (43718) | asked Jun 29 '18, 5:01 a.m.

 Good day,

We have a scenario were we create a report that looks at planned work, as well as actual work. After the report has been generated, a Grouped Bar Graph is used to present the data that is returned, showing a bar with Estimates, and a bar with "Actuals". Both bars show that there are values that have been returned, but when drilling into the bar with "actuals", or the planned work, the table does not show the correct results as shown in the bar itself.

Is this a known issue, or is there something we are missing.

Thank you,


Fariz Saracevic commented Jun 29 '18, 7:56 a.m.

Hi Alick,

I suggest that you open ticket with IBM support in this case. 

Alick Banda commented Jul 25 '18, 10:06 a.m.

 Thank you Fariz

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