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CLM 6.0.3 - error sending mails

Milan Krivic (98013176143) | asked Feb 17 '17, 8:20 a.m.


when I try to send test email on configured mail settings, I am getting the following error:
Failure sending HELO command to SMTP server

What could be the resaon?


Manoj Panda commented Mar 18 '17, 12:14 p.m.

 I am also getting similar error. But my email was working perfectly before upgrading to 6.0.3. Now its does not work. I have also tried with new 6.0.3 setup in a new machine but still am getting the error.

This error , i am getting in https://xxxxx:9443/jts/
Connection error ( Connection refused: connect)

When I try to run jts/setup, in email setting steps,  i am getting following error

The configuration test resulted in warnings. Review the warnings before continuing.ID CRJAZ1580W

The server could not be contacted: Connection error ( Connection refused: connect).

6 answers

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Feb 17 '17, 12:11 p.m.

These are the questions I would ask myself:

Is the SMTP server configured in the mail settings ? 
Can you resolve the name as an IP ? 
Does it ping ?

Can you

telnet yer-smtp-host 25

from the CLM host and get a connection ?

If the connection times out there may be firewall concerns to address ( rare but possible )

If the connection succeeds there will be no prompt, just type HELO  to try to elicit a response.

Milan Krivic commented Feb 20 '17, 11:01 a.m.

 Hi Kevin,

i tried to resolve with IP address, but still doesn't work. I tried to ping the server, and it works. I tried to telnet server 25, and I got 220********. it seems it is ok. 
Then I tried to type HELO, but I got the message: 
500 5.3.3 Unrecognized command.

I contacted our system administrators, and it seems everything ok to them.

I really don't know what could be the reason. Here is the log message on the link:


Kevin Ramer commented Feb 20 '17, 11:16 a.m.

I searched for the 500 error.  One that may have solution

Another mentioned space on the server.

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Ruth Goreti Gonzalez Rodriguez (25111) | answered Feb 19 '18, 6:10 p.m.

Mailing library has changed starting at CLM6.0.3, so upgrading it won't solve the issue.
Look at this note:
It explains this library change and how to troubleshoot SMTP.
The only way we have solved this issue is like Kevin Ramer suggested.

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Michel Vallee (112) | answered Feb 28 '17, 10:09 p.m.
edited Feb 28 '17, 10:10 p.m.

 Currently we are suspecting that this is due to JTS sending only the short hostname in the HELO command.

>>>>>> Sending data EHLO myserverhostname<<<<<<<
EHLO myserverhostname
500 5.3.3 Unrecognized command
>>>>>> Sending data HELO myserverhostname<<<<<<<
HELO myserverhostname
500 5.3.3 Unrecognized command

I just don't know where JTS takes the 'hostname' from such that we can convince it to send

Kevin Ramer commented Mar 07 '17, 9:18 a.m.

Just had this reported for our Rome CLM hosts recently upgraded to 6.0.3  We had configured in a corporate mail gateway for the geo that gave the same failures.  I noticed that the JTS was also running sendmail so I configured the jts to use itself, did a test email and now e-mail is flowing.

So whatever is the issue between the JTS direct connection to the SMTP host is obviated by using itself as an intermediary.  The local SMTP is pretty much an OOTB configuration.

Of course, we run our stuff on AIX and have that "luxury".

Jeff Ong commented Mar 07 '17, 4:30 p.m. | edited Mar 07 '17, 4:30 p.m.

The ones we recently upgraded to 6.0.3 are also having intermittent (Failure sending HELO command to SMTP server) mail issues.

What is interesting is that other CLM instances that are NOT running CLM 6.0.3 but are on the same server are not having mail issues. 

Kevin Ramer commented Mar 08 '17, 2:40 p.m.

I also find it strange that an upgraded JTS begins having this, but like us, you are probably also use to using the "geo.relay...."  (geo = na, emea, etc ) for SMTP in the configuration.

Maybe there are different expectations in the javax.mail package.  The versions are:
6.0.2 : javax.mail_1.0.1100.v20151009_1554
6.0.3:  javax.mail_1.4.0.v201005080615

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Manoj Panda (39346762) | answered Mar 16 '17, 12:46 p.m.

 I am also getting similar error. But my email was working perfectly before upgrading to 6.0.3. Now its does not work. I have also tried with new 6.0.3 setup in a new machine but still am getting the error.

This error , i am getting in https://xxxxx:9443/jts/
Connection error ( Connection refused: connect)

When I try to run jts/setup, in email setting steps,  i am getting following error

The configuration test resulted in warnings. Review the warnings before continuing.ID CRJAZ1580W

The server could not be contacted: Connection error ( Connection refused: connect).

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Milan Krivic (98013176143) | answered Sep 22 '17, 9:44 a.m.


we upgraded CLM to version 6.0.4, but problem still persists. It's look like that bug is not resolved yet... any suggestions?

Donald Nong commented Sep 24 '17, 10:30 p.m.

If it is not identified as a product defect, upgrading the product does not necessarily resolve the issue for you. You'd better set the JTS advanced property "Debug Mail API" to true, and check jts.log for detailed information why the email notification fails. You may have to do further network trace to find out the exact cause.

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Zeeshan Choudhry (6541612) | answered Oct 19 '17, 3:15 p.m.

 Please verify you SMTP settings using this Work Item:

Also please make sure only JTS application team file has your SMTP server settings.

Search for "mail" string in rest of the application team file and if you find any remove them. These mail settings are specific to JTS server only.

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